Home The science Pipeline made of polypropylene pipe PN20

Pipeline made of polypropylene pipe PN20

by California

src=”/wp-content/uploads/5554441987654321234567654321234.jpg” width=”150″ height=”150″ />To date, the most popular pipes for the installation of a water pipeline are pipes made of polypropylene class PN 20. To learn about their benefits, it is worth talking about them in more detail.

Such pipes must be used in a clean state (in no case should contamination or mechanical damage to the pipe be allowed during transportation or storage). Some installers, alas, make such mistakes. Especially when pipes are stored in warehouses without compliance with the requirements for operation and storage. Pipes must be stored in stacks, the height of which does not exceed 1 meter.

When installing plastic pipes

it is necessary to observe the temperature regime – temperatures below +5 degrees are not allowed. At lower temperatures, there may be a problem with the strength of the pipe connection. For optimal bending of a polypropylene pipe without additional heating, a temperature of +15 degrees is needed, and the pipe diameter should not exceed 8 millimeters.

There are also craftsmen who resort to heating the pipe under an open fire. It is strictly forbidden to do this, since from such an impact on the pipe its service life is noticeably reduced. In order to bypass the contours, manufacturers have long made special bypasses.

However, there are still installers who find it easier and faster to connect a pipe with an unacceptable mistake than to once again go to the store for the necessary part. Moreover, the customer is unlikely to notice such an allowance if the pipe is hidden in a special curtain. Therefore, to know and remember about it, so as not to become a victim of unscrupulous installers.

To connect fittings and polypropylene pipes, a special soldering iron or polyfusion welding is used. The parts are heated to the set temperature and soldered together in a certain time.

Special fittings and transitions using fumlent are used to organize the transition to the metal part of the pipeline. After the installation of the pipeline is completed, hydraulic tests are mandatory. For this, plastic plugs are used, which are screwed into the corner bends. In the common people they are called eared.

During installation work, it is also necessary to take into account the linear expansion of the pipe, which will be possible during operation. The linear expansion can be calculated in several ways, but this information will not be useful to the customer. He only needs to remember that in order to compensate for this expansion, it is necessary to use U-shaped mounting expansion joints.

To comply with the rules for the operation of the pipeline, even during installation, it is necessary to maintain a certain fastening spacing for the horizontal part of the pipeline. For the vertical part, this step should be 30% more than for the horizontal part. Mounts are used both movable and fixed.

When installing bends and plugs for plastic pipes, water fittings, if possible, the occurrence of torque should be avoided. Such fittings must be mounted on a rigid plate or fastened with a quick-setting mixture.

Summing up, it is necessary to note the main points that you should definitely pay attention to when installing a pipeline from a polypropylene pipe: linear expansion must be taken into account; there is a possibility of increased condensation of moisture).


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