Home Sport Style: from nails to makeup

Style: from nails to makeup

by California

A person’s desire to be beautiful and successful invariably. Unfortunately, universal advice on how to become a winner in life has not yet been found. But a good-looking algorithm is not a secret for a long time.

We have recorded some always up-to-date tips from 4nails stylists, which I understand in modern beauty.

Extended nails are not relevant now

Always take good care of your nails. Do not rush to make an appointment with a manicure master – extended nails with bright patterns are a thing of the past. Even if you love nail design, don’t get carried away with extreme colors. Remember naturalness.

But the use of gel helmets is now very relevant. Follow the link gel-kracki-kodi-professional to buy manicure accessories and make your nails irresistible. For everyone who decides to buy Kodi paint gel, but still has no idea what it is, read the article at the link provided, it will dedicate you to the intricacies of working with this material.

Accessories are a complete part of the look

Never forget belts and ties, stylists advise. Often young designers try to save on these details. But even the simplest fabrics can beautifully decorate your look.

Any trousers and jeans will look much better on you if you add a belt to them. They visually demarcate the figure, and if the lady also stands on heels, then this will significantly lengthen her legs.

Be careful with glasses. Glasses have become so fashionable now that sometimes you don’t even want to wear them.

The tailor suggested that you wear glasses only in the shape that emphasizes your facial features. If the oval is soft, then it is better to choose glasses without sharp corners. People with sharp features can be given reverse advice. And, of course, do not abuse this accessory.

Makeup should be natural

If you have already figured out the belt and glasses, pay attention to makeup. According to the norms of etiquette, morning, day and evening makeup are very different. Excessive make -up not only takes away a few hours of sleep every morning, but also violates fashion rules. Now designers and stylists give preference to natural colors.

Use dim colors as close as possible to natural. But with regard to hair it is better to choose all shades of blond and light highlighting.

Almost all stylists emphasized several times that now the world admires natural beauty.

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